Pinellas county housing authority
Pinellas county housing authority



HUD and the Department of Veterans Affairs, through a cooperative partnership, provide long-term case management, supportive services, and permanent housing support through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program (HUD-VASH).

Eligible homeless Veterans receive VA provided case management and supportive services to maintain stability and recovery from physical and mental health, substance use, and functional concerns contributing to or resulting from homelessness.

HUD has provided “Housing Choice” Section 8 vouchers designated for HUD-VASH to PCHA to assist with their rental payments.  The program’s goal includes promoting maximal Veteran recovery and independence to sustain permanent housing in the community for the Veteran and their family.

This program was designed to address the needs of the most vulnerable homeless Veterans.  Veterans must be VA Health Care eligible, homeless, and participate in case management services in order to obtain, and sustain permanent independent community housing.

Veterans may be referred by any Homeless Program to see if they are suitable for an application for the HUD-VASH program.

Landlords interested in leasing their rental units to HUD-VASH Voucher participants may contact Marcus Moore, LCSW at (727) 398-6661 ext 4518 to obtain additional information about special lease-up procedures.

Housing Opportunity:

United States Department of Veterans Affairs